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summaryUnsplash is a popular website that hosts a wide range of high-quality images for use in various projects, such as websites, social media posts, and presentations. The site was co-founded by Pete Alexopoulos and launched on February 13, 2014. Unsplash aims to empower and support photographers worldwide by providing a platform where they can showcase their work, gain exposure, and connect with other creatives.

Some of the categories you can find on Unsplash include:

1. Trending: This section highlights popular images that are currently in demand. These photos can be used as inspiration or for your next project.

2. Featured: Here, you'll find some of the best and most popular images posted by photographers around the world. These images have been recognized for their creativity, composition, and quality.

3. Collections: Unsplash has several collections that showcase different themes, such as nature, architecture, people, pets, food, and more. You can browse through these collections to find specific types of images.

4. Gaming: If you're looking for gaming-related visuals, you can find some cool images here.

5. Home Sweet Home: This collection features pictures that can be used as wallpapers or backgrounds for your home.

6. Half and Half, Split Color: These are two separate collections with unique color schemes for a more artistic look.

7. Supported by Squarespace: This collection includes images that work well with web design platforms like Squarespace.

8. Sponsored: Unsplash has several sponsored collections that feature images created specifically for marketing campaigns or products.

9. A heart, a plus sign, and a lock: These are symbols used to represent the "Support" button on the Unsplash website. When you click on these icons, you can show your appreciation by liking, sharing, and following the photographer's work.

10. Download: The download section allows users to access the images directly from the Unsplash website. You can save them to your computer or mobile device for future use.

11. Featured Artists: These are some of the talented photographers who have gained a significant following on Unsplash, showcasing their work and sharing their stories.

12. In collaboration with: This section highlights images that were created in partnership with other platforms, such as Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr.

13. Related Searches: You can find related search results at the top of each page to help you discover new photographers and images based on your interests.

By using Unsplash, you can access a vast array of high-quality images for free, which can be used in various creative projects without any copyright restrictions. This allows artists, designers, and photographers to showcase their work, connect with others, and grow their online presence.
titleBeautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash
descriptionBeautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.
keywordssign, plus, heart, chevron, down, logo, change, collaboration, lock, home, wallpapers, glass, backgrounds, editorial, photography, marvel, valentines
upstreams brokescholar.com
nslookupA, A, A, A

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