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summaryThe content appears to be related to a digital media auditing and certification service provider. They provide various services, including:

1. Digital Media Audit: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of digital media platforms.
2. Advertising Campaign Audit: Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on different digital channels.
3. Email Database Certification: Validating the quality and validity of email marketing databases.
4. Digital Signage Market Monitoring: Analyzing trends and opportunities in the digital signage market.
5. Online Advertising Study: Conducting comprehensive studies to evaluate online advertising effectiveness.
6. Sectoral Studies: Providing specialized research and analysis for specific industries or sectors.
7. Affiliate Network Audit: Assessing the performance and efficiency of affiliate networks in digital marketing.
8. Newsletter Creation Service: Developing professional newsletters for clients' promotional campaigns.
9. Study Services: Offering tailored research services to meet client needs.
10. Compliance with OJD Interactive (Organization Juguetes Diversos Interactivos): Ensuring that products and services adhere to the guidelines of this organization.
11. Data Analysis Tool: Providing a tool for analyzing data related to digital media platforms.
12. SMS Alerts Service: Offering real-time alerts via SMS to stay updated on industry trends and changes.
13. Automated Data Update Service: Ensuring clients have access to the most up-to-date data for their marketing efforts.
14. Monthly Progress Updates: Providing regular updates on project progress and status.
15. Online Advertising Audit: Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of online advertising strategies.
16. Relationships with International Entities: Establishing partnerships with various organizations to expand services globally.
descriptionOJD Audit of media communications
keywordspara, email, newsletter, control, normas, exterior, bases, signage, market, monitoring, sector, base
upstreams telva.com, elmundo.es, expansion.com, marca.com
downstreams twitter.com









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