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summary The text focuses on decentralized applications (dApps) built within the Celo ecosystem, with an emphasis on considering real-world users. The vision is to start a revolution by bringing together founders, developers, and communities who have big ideas for the real world. This includes events like hackathons and educational resources like tutorials and white papers to help scale these ideas.

Celo Camp encourages participants to join this revolution and share their innovative, world-changing concepts. Additionally, they provide developer resources such as tech docs, security audits, and toolkits for creating dApps within the Celo ecosystem. The text also mentions job opportunities for developers, founders, validators, and other roles in the organization, along with privacy policies and terms of use for users. Overall, it promotes the concept of a user-centric and collaborative approach towards developing and scaling decentralized applications.
titleHomepage | Celo
keywordsecosystem, world, build, community, join, more, cookies, vision, developers, founders, ideas, real, first, mobile, scale, prosperity, privacy
upstreams ethermail.io

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