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summaryTitle: Bitcoin City Arnhem

Arnhem has become the densest concentration of bitcoin merchants in Europe, with more than 70 businesses accepting the digital currency as a form of payment. The city is now often referred to as "Bitcoin City" or "Bitcoinstad," and its rapid adoption of bitcoin has led it to compete with Amsterdam for the title of Bitcoin capital of the Netherlands.

This surge in bitcoin usage can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the city's strong support from local businesses, universities, and government officials. One of the key figures behind this movement is Patrick van der Meer, who founded the organization "Bitcoinstad Arnhem" to promote the use of bitcoin in the city.

Van der Meer has been actively working with businesses to educate them about the benefits of accepting bitcoin and providing them with the necessary tools and resources to do so. This effort has paid off, as many local merchants have embraced the digital currency and now accept it as a form of payment for their goods and services.

One of the most notable examples of this is Spar Arnhem, a supermarket in the city that recently began accepting bitcoin payments. This marks the first time that a major supermarket has accepted the cryptocurrency in Europe, further solidifying Arnhem's position as a leader in bitcoin adoption.

In addition to local businesses, Arnhem's universities have also played a significant role in promoting bitcoin usage. The HAN University of Applied Sciences, for example, recently gave out free bitcoins to its first-year students in the fields of Informatics and Communication. This move was aimed at introducing these students to the world of cryptocurrencies and encouraging them to embrace the technology as a part of their education.

The rapid adoption of bitcoin in Arnhem has not gone unnoticed, with local and international media outlets covering the story extensively. The city's success in embracing the digital currency has inspired other cities and regions to explore similar initiatives, as they see the potential benefits that could come from widespread bitcoin usage.

Overall, Arnhem's embrace of bitcoin has made it a leader in the world of cryptocurrencies, demonstrating how quickly this technology can be adopted by businesses, universities, and governments when given proper support and encouragement.
titleUse bitcoins every day in Arnhem Bitcoin City
descriptionArnhem Bitcoin City. Use bitcoins in everyday life!
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