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summaryAccording to the news, Novjí Starí magazine is focusing on technology, science, business, lifestyle, gear, and voices as their main topics of coverage. Their newsletter also includes e-mail updates and information about upcoming events. The content discusses recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and how it affects various aspects of life, such as online privacy, security concerns, and the impact on our daily lives. They mention that AI can now predict what we do next and analyze large amounts of data using machine learning algorithms. Furthermore, they feature an art exhibition called "Artificial Intelligence: A Graphic Look at the Future" by Ale Najbrt, which showcases his unique perspective on AI as a symbol for the future. The article highlights Najbrt's work as a graphic designer and how he creates eye-catching designs using AI to represent the potential of this technology in shaping our world.
titleThe best of the world of technology
descriptionWIRED is the most famous technology magazine in the world. It is a guide to the future. It inspires and connects interesting people, offers orientation in a society undergoing radical transformation, and shows how technology is changing all aspects of our lives - from business, science, health to culture and design. He predicts trends before others, explains connections, developments and consequences. WIRED is a global community of people who are ahead of the curve.
keywordsgemini, nebo, space, will, fitness, google
upstreams wired.com
nslookupA, A

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