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summaryTo enable JavaScript and cookies for your website or application, follow these steps:

1. Locate the settings menu in the browser. This can usually be found by clicking on a gear icon (for Chrome), a three horizontal lines (for Safari), or an "i" icon (for Internet Explorer).
2. In the settings menu, search for "Privacy & Security" or "Security" and click on the appropriate option to open a new window.
3. Look for the section related to cookies. Depending on your browser's version, this could be called "Cookies and Sessions," "Session Data," or something similar. Click on it to expand the settings.
4. Locate the option related to enabling or disabling JavaScript. This is typically labeled as "Enable JavaScript" or a similar phrase. Check the box next to this option to enable JavaScript in your browser.
5. If your browser has a separate section for managing cookies, you may need to grant permissions or accept settings within that area. Click on any relevant links to proceed with granting access.
6. Once both JavaScript and cookie settings have been enabled, your website or application should be able to function properly with the correct functionality and personalization offered by cookies.

Note: It's essential to use this information responsibly and in compliance with data protection laws. For example, users should always be informed about the use of cookies and provided with an option to accept or reject their usage before implementing them on a website or application.
titleJust a moment...
descriptionJust a moment...
upstreams loc.gov
nslookupA, A

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