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summary The CX Trends 2024 event provides insights into the future of customer experience (CX) and allows you to sign up for various Zendesk products, such as their complete service solution for customer service and modern sales solutions. The company also offers a Sunshine platform which is designed to be flexible, open, and quick. They have an Apps Marketplace that provides applications, integrations, and partners to enhance the user experience.

Zendesk has multiple pricing options for its services based on your business needs and size. They cater to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large corporations, and provide tools that allow you to manage customer interactions across different scales. Their focus is on building sustainable client relationships and creating a positive customer experience through dialogue-focused CRM.

They offer demonstrations, informative resources such as blogs, guides, reports, case studies, events, and webinars, and also have a community where users can network, learn, and engage with each other. Professional services are available for practical help, focused support, or expert guidance.

Zendesk's API and developer tools provide information on how to create software using their platforms, and they also have partnership opportunities. They highlight customer success stories and emphasize the importance of trust and security in business operations. The language options include English (US, UK, Australia, India, Singapore), Spanish (general, LATAM), Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.

You can start a free trial and reach out for support or assistance through their contact form. Their main goal is to help businesses unlock the power of customer experiences by providing comprehensive customer service solutions that enable them to build long-term relationships with their clients.
titleZendesk: Customer Service Software and CRM Sales Software | Winners in 2024
descriptionZendesk is an award-winning customer service software, trusted by more than 200,000 customers. Ensure satisfied customersĀ via text, mobile, phone, email, live chatĀ and social media.
keywordsstart, over, english, service, demo, contact, trial, vice, president, sales, platform, partners, community, agents, software, nederlands, gershwin
upstreams zendesk.es
nslookupA, A, A, A, A

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