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summary This content seems to be a list of language names in their respective languages, followed by the name "Wikibooks" and "Simple English". It appears that Wikibooks provides resources for learning various languages. The provided languages include:

1. Bahasa Melayu (Malaysian)
2. Norsk bokmål (Norwegian Bokmål)
3. Qazaqça (Kazakh)
4. Romn (Romani)
5. Simple English
6. Slovenina Slovenina (Slovenian)
7. Tagalog (Filipino)
8. አማርኛ ቢድል (Amharic - not mentioned in the original list, but could be an additional language option in the Wikibooks platform)
9. Tatara (possibly a typo or a local dialect name; it's difficult to identify a specific language from this).

Additionally, "Simple English" appears twice on the list, indicating it as another language or learning resource provided by Wikibooks. It is also possible that there is a mistake in the original data input for the languages.
keywordsfree, pages, english, bahasa, indonesia, search, magyar, nederlands, suomi, commons, library, textbooks, moduli, read, language, esperanto, interlingua
upstreams wikidata.org, wikifunctions.org, wikimediafoundation.org, wikisource.org, mediawiki.org

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