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summaryWhat constitutes a fact and how do we ascertain and justify the truth of our claims to know a fact Does our government and do those of us who have economically thrived in our society have any responsibility for the well-being of those who have been less fortunate Do we believe that certain voicesas a function of their race, ethnicity, country of origin, economic status, class, biological sex, gender identity or orientation, religious belief, loyalty to powerdeserve a privileged place in our electoral system and public discourse Do we believe that experience as a television personality who opines on matters relating to health qualifies such an individual to run massive government organizations that are responsible for the health of the people of our country Or do we believe that relevant training, knowledge, and experience should be a prerequisite for such rolesFalk had to balance competing interests do we allow more housing subdivisions on the periphery of the City of Madison What about rebuilding some run-down neighborhoods Would people want to live there Where exactly were all these new people supposed to live, anyway How were they supposed to get to and from work, without spewing too much CO2, or jamming up the roads and disrupting the wonderful quality of life which drew people to Madison in the first place County Executive Falk, to my mind, never abandoned her principles.
titleTimmermanReport.com - Your Edge In Biotech
descriptionTimmerman Report is an independently-owned subscription publication that provides timely, in-depth biotech news and analysis.
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