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summarySysLinuxOS version 12.4 is based on Debian 12 Bookworm and features USB bootability. It offers both Mate Desktop and Gnome Desktop environments, along with Calamares Installer for easy installation. The kernel is optimized for Mate (6.7 amd64) and Gnome (6.7-amd64).

The OS includes popular web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Microsoft Edge, and Tor Browser. It also supports remote access tools like Teamviewer, Anydesk, Remmina, Zoom, Skype, and networking tools like Wireshark, Packet Tracer 8.2.1, GNS3, Nmap, Lssid, Etherape, Ettercap, PackETH, Packetsender, Sparrow-Wifi, Angry Ip Scanner, Fast-cli, Speedtest-cli, ipcalc, and iperf3 for network monitoring and management.

Additionally, it provides server monitoring tools like Munin, Stacer, Zabbix-agent2, and Zabbix-fronted; security tools such as Suricata, Firetools, Firewalk, Firejails, Cacti, Icinga, Monit, Nagios4, Fail2ban; and terminal applications like Putty, Cutecom, Gtkterm, Minicom, Terminator.

The OS also supports various server applications like Isc-dhcp-server, Filezilla, Wine, Balena Etcher, Vlc, Openvpn, Openconnect, Fortinet SSLVPN, Vpnc, and Wireguard for seamless connectivity and data transfer. It is compatible with virtualization software such as Virtualbox 7.0 and Vmware Player 17.

Firewalld, Gufw, Opensnitch, Shorewall are included for network security management, while Docker and docker-compose facilitate containerized application development and deployment. Finally, the OS supports user account creation and passwords for enhanced security and privacy.
titleHome - SysLinuxOS
descriptionSysLinuxOS (for System Integrators) is an Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution, designed for system integrators and system administrators
keywordssystem, desktop, integrators, mate, gnome, kernel, tools, cookie, stable, support, things, environment, default, there, marketing, title, contact
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