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summaryThe platform offers an application designed for independent voices, allowing users to get started and learn more about its features. The site also mentions the need for JavaScript to work properly. The primary focus is on providing a space for those who want to share their opinions independently.
titleSubstack - A new economic engine for culture
descriptionWith Substack, anyone can start a publication that combines a personal website, blog, and email newsletter or podcast. It's quick and simple, so you don't have to be tech savvy. Your audience can pay you directly through subscriptions, with no ads to get in the way. Writers and podcasters can own their intellectual property, keep their mailing list, and start a media business.
keywordssign, account, home, independent, voices, more, site, turn, scripts
upstreams zesty.market, addyosmani.com, aei.org, alexmurrell.co.uk, kindredventures.com, firework.com, ankr.com, aptosfoundation.org, apt11d.com, eszter.com, eth.limo, atomicjar.com, balajis.com, nakedcapitalism.com, blockbytes.com, 3e9.me, 9to5mac.com, bloggy.garden, a16zcrypto.com, cabbieblog.com, catherineprice.com, cdixon.org, focustivity.blog, craftventures.com, crookedtimber.org, daringfireball.net, datamesh-architecture.com, datameshlearning.com, designbetterpodcast.com, draculadaily.com, eieio.games, forest-mcmullin.com, openculture.com, fsbb.io, opensubscriptionplatforms.com, furia.com, gamma.io, gigaver.se, glazkov.com, hydration.net, ifp.org, johnquiggin.com, kleppmann.com, kriya.finance, labweek.io, learningbyshipping.com, maudnewton.com, protocol.ai, readwriteown.com, realclearhealth.com, recomendo.com, reconsidering.org, kottke.org, scrollprize.org, sharynmorrow.com, staas.fund, studiokirkland.com, thebrowser.company, thehockeywriters.com, themarshallproject.org, thesephist.com, tilda.cc, tim.blog, treasure.lol, unchainedcrypto.com, walknotes.com, webaxe.org
downstreams thefp.com, zeteo.com, enable-javascript.com
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