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summaryI mean, usually a Transformers head has only the face and eyes painted, plus maybe a token bit of forehead decoration, but Strongarm also has the line of blue that traces around her face and chin, the extra blue lines on the tips of her ears, the additional six lighter-blue marks on the front of her ears, the three blue lines that travel over the top of her noggin, her lips... its a lot.Though technically it makes her vehicle mode look more like... fan art of her animation modelĀ  For decades, we didnt have access to Elita Ones actual animation model and we only see the front of it in her one episode, so at least one enterprising fan artist took a crack at it, and arrived at a very short car mode that... this toy seems to be based onĀ  It was only in the past year or so that weve been blessed with an actual animation model and the... much more elongated actual car mode Elita One was designed to have.
titleShortpacked! - Blog
descriptionShortpacked! is a webcomic about people who work in a toy store and tell jokes about Batman.
keywordslike, mode, have, legacy, theres, more, arms, head, robot, lion, there, back, transformers, toys, shot, first, well
upstreams somethingpositive.net, threepanelsoul.com
downstreams bigcartel.com, tumblr.com, tfwiki.net, twitter.com, fandom.com, transformersclub.com, toynewsi.com, hailtotheslash.com, axecop.com, thebookofbiff.com, joshreads.com, qwantz.com, dresdencodak.com, faans.com, gastrophobia.com, goats.com, hijinksensue.com, medium-large.com, octopuspie.com, penny-arcade.com, phdcomics.com, powernapcomic.com, somethingpositive.net, twolumps.net, wapsisquare.com, nonadventures.com, wondermark.com









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