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summaryThe content focuses on expressing gratitude for contributions and encouraging support for Sass Guidelines. It suggests ways to contribute, such as tweeting about it, spreading the word, or fixing typo issues on GitHub. The author also emphasizes the importance of supporting the guidelines if they find it helpful for themselves or their team.

Sass is an extension of CSS that enhances its power and elegance. The document includes guidelines on how to write a CSS ruleset. These include:

1. Related selectors on the same line; unrelated selectors on new lines.
2. Place opening brace after the last selector, spaced with one space.
3. Each declaration on its own new line.
4. Put a semicolon at the end of each declaration and a trailing semicolon at the end of all declarations.
5. The closing brace is placed on its own new line, followed by a new line after it.
titleSass Guidelines
descriptionAn opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass.
keywordssass, color, import, value, true, width, have, there, variable, scss, guidelines, font, code, line, selector, more, type
upstreams kittygiraudel.com
downstreams github.com, kittygiraudel.com, cofenster.com, twitter.com, sass-lang.com, tutsplus.com, sassnotsass.com, lesscss.org, stylus-lang.com, caniuse.com, wikipedia.org, w3.org, davidwalsh.name, archive.org, smashingmagazine.com, bradfrost.com, get.foundation, smacss.com, snook.ca, daverupert.com, pressupinc.com, nicolasgallagher.com, theguardian.com, davidtheclark.com, thoughtbot.com, houndci.com, creativecommons.org






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