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summaryThe content provided discusses various social, political, and moral issues in the United States. Some of the topics covered include:

1. Abortion: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) believes that abortion should remain a legal choice for women.
2. Alternative Energy: While alternative energy can replace some fossil fuel usage, it may not be able to completely replace all forms of it.
3. Animal Dissection: There are differing opinions on whether K-12 students should dissect animals in science classrooms.
4. Animal Testing: The ethical use of animals for scientific or commercial testing is debated.
5. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can have both positive and negative impacts on society, but its potential benefits are significant.
6. Banned Books: Some believe that parents or adults should be able to ban books from schools and libraries.
7. Big Three Auto Bailout: There is debate over whether the big three car manufacturers should have been bailed out by the U.S. government during the economic crisis.
8. Binge-watching TV Shows: Binge-watching can have both positive and negative effects on individuals.
9. Born Gay: Some argue that sexual orientation is determined at birth, while others believe it is influenced by environmental factors or chosen by individuals.
10. Single-use Plastics Ban: Some believe that single-use plastics should be banned to reduce pollution and harm to the environment.
11. Cancel Culture: The effectiveness of cancel culture or callout culture in promoting social justice is debated.
12. CBD for Pets: While some believe CBD is beneficial for pets, others argue against its use due to lack of scientific evidence and potential side effects.
13. Cell Phone Radiation: There are concerns about the safety of cell phone radiation and whether it poses health risks.
14. Cheerleading: Some argue that cheerleading is not a sport, while others believe it should be recognized as one.
15. Churches and Taxes: The role of churches in providing educational programs for American children is debated.
16. Dakota Access Pipeline: Whether the pipeline should be completed depends on views about its potential environmental impact and benefits to the economy.
17. Daylight Saving Time: The effectiveness of daylight saving time in conserving energy and improving safety is debated.
18. DC and Puerto Rico Statehood: Some believe that Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico should be granted U.S. statehood.
19. Death Penalty: There are differing opinions on whether the death penalty should remain a legal punishment.
20. Dress Codes: The benefits and drawbacks of implementing and enforcing dress codes in schools are debated.
21. Defund the Police: Opinions vary on whether police departments should be defunded or abolished.
22. Digital Addiction and Social Media: There are concerns that social media can contribute to digital addiction and other social issues.
23. Drinking Age: Some argue for lowering the drinking age from 21, while others believe it serves an important purpose in preventing underage consumption.
24. Drone Strikes: The use of drone strikes by the United States abroad is debated.
25. Election Security: There is concern about the security and integrity of U.S. elections, particularly regarding foreign interference and vote manipulation.
26. Halloween on Saturday: Moving Halloween to a weekend day would benefit some communities, but others prefer keeping it on its traditional date.
27. LGBTQ+ Rights: The protection and advancement of LGBTQ+ rights are important issues in the United States.
28. Marijuana Legalization: Recreational marijuana is legal in some states, with differing opinions on its benefits and potential drawbacks.
29. Private Prisons: Some argue that privatizing prisons can improve efficiency and reduce costs, while others worry about the potential for profiteering and human rights abuses.
30. Prostitution: The legalization of prostitution is debated due to concerns about public safety, health risks, and human trafficking.
31. Recreational Marijuana Legalization: Some states have legalized recreational marijuana use, while others still prohibit it.
32. Reparations for Slavery: The federal government should provide reparations to the descendants of slaves who were subjected to inhumane treatment and economic exploitation during slavery.
33. Space Colonization: The potential benefits and risks of human colonization of space are debated.
34. Standardized Tests: The effectiveness of standardized tests in improving education in America is a contentious issue.
35. Student Loan Debt Forgiveness: Some argue that student loan debt should be eliminated through forgiveness or bankruptcy programs.
36. Tablets vs. Textbooks: There are differing opinions on whether tablets should replace textbooks in K-12 schools.
37. Teacher Tenure: The benefits and drawbacks of teacher tenure, which provides job security and protection for educators, are debated.
38. TikTok Bans: There is debate over whether TikTok should be banned due to concerns about data privacy and potential foreign interference.
39. Under God in the Pledge: The inclusion of "under God" in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance has been debated, with some arguing that it represents a separation between church and state.
titleProCon.org - Pros and Cons of 100+ Topics
descriptionExplore both sides of debated issues. Presented in a non-partisan format with supporting background information, statistics, and resources.
keywordselection, college, states, national, good, bans, voting, have, school, social, first, drug, control, marijuana, drone, time, style
nslookupA, A, A









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