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summaryAs a beta version of a new financial system, the Opium protocol serves primarily the community of experienced DeFi professionals, who are able to evaluate associated risks, including, but not limited to, the technical failure and permanent capital loss.Also, a condition to accessing the services you acknowledge that: You declare that You are not a US person as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended; or a citizen or resident of Canada; or a citizen or resident of Japan You do not and will not use VPN software or any other privacy or anonymization tool to circumvent any restrictions that apply to the service and the use of opium.network If you are entering into these terms as an individual then you are of legal age as applicable in your jurisdiction in which you reside Your access to the services and opium.network does not violate any foreign rule, law, regulation or directive accept decline Protocol Documentation White paper GitHub Governance Documentation Forum Apply for a grant Developers Documentation GitHub Builder bounty program Bug bounty program Ecosystem Opium finance KnowYourCat The Art Exchange Opium research Oh My Opium 2024 Opium.network Terms of Service Privacy Policy Disclaimer
titleOpium Protocol - decentralized protocol to create, settle and trade any derivative
descriptionThe universal protocol to create, trade and settle virtually all derivatives in trust-less way. Opium protocol allows anyone to build custom exchange-traded products on top of the Ethereum blockchain
upstreams 1inch.io
downstreams github.com, medium.com, opium.finance, twitter.com, opium.watch, 1inch.io, hashkey.com, rockawaycapital.com, launchub.com, fbg.capital, aave.com, chain.link, zerion.io, thegraph.com, thedapplist.com, defirate.com, defiprime.com, debank.com, p.network, wintermute.com
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