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summaryThe OpenJDK Community is a collaborative platform for developing and improving the Java Development Kit (JDK). It allows developers to access, clone, and contribute code to fix bugs, enhance existing components, or add new features. The community provides tools such as Mercurial and GitHub to facilitate collaboration.

Some key aspects of the OpenJDK Community include:

1. Installing and contributing to the JDK: Developers can install the JDK, clone a repository, make local changes, and submit patches for improvements or bug fixes.
2. Adoption: The community is working on adopting newer features and technologies in Java development.
3. Builds: OpenJDK offers GAEA builds, which are pre-built binaries of the JDK for various platforms.
4. Documentation and resources: The community provides developers with a Developers Guide, mailing lists, wikis, IRC channels, and bylaws to help them contribute effectively.
5. Source code: Developers can browse, clone, and contribute to the source code of OpenJDK repositories on platforms like Mercurial and GitHub.
6. JEP (Java Enhancement Proposal) Process: The community uses a structured process for proposing, discussing, and implementing new features or improvements in Java development.
7. Projects: OpenJDK is associated with various projects related to Java development, such as Common VM Interface, Multi-Language VM, and more.
8. Portability: The JDK supports multiple platforms, including AIX, BSD, Haiku, Mac OS X, MIPS, Mobile, PowerPC AIX, RISC-V, s390x, and Windows.

The OpenJDK Community aims to enhance the functionality of the Java Development Kit through collaboration and community contributions. Developers can participate by browsing code, cloning repositories, and contributing patches or improvements.
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downstreams oracle.com, dev.java, github.com









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