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summaryOpenID and OpenID Connect are authentication standards that allow users to securely authenticate with a wide range of applications and websites without having to remember separate usernames and passwords. The main difference between OpenID and OpenID Connect is that the latter includes an additional layer of security by using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for token exchange, ensuring more secure authentication sessions.

There are several key specifications within the OpenID Connect standard:
1. JWT (JSON Web Token): This is a compact, URL-safe method for representing claims to be transferred between parties. It can be used in OpenID Connect to represent identity information and to assert that a user is authenticated.
2. JWS (JSON Web Signature): This is a JSON format that allows digital signatures to be attached to the JSON Web Token, ensuring its integrity and authenticity.
3. JWE (JSON Web Encryption): This specification adds an encryption layer to the JWT, making it more secure when transmitting sensitive data over insecure channels.
4. JWK (JSON Web Key): This is a key management format that allows public keys and private keys to be represented as JSON objects for use with JWE.
5. JWA (JSON Web Algorithm): This defines the algorithms used for signing, encryption, and decryption within the OpenID Connect standard.

OpenID Connect implementations are certified or uncertified based on their compliance with the OpenID Foundation's certification process. Certified implementations have been thoroughly tested and verified by the foundation to ensure they meet the required security standards. Uncertified implementations may not have undergone the same level of testing and verification, which can introduce potential security risks.

OpenID Federation Implementations: These are implementations that allow for seamless authentication between multiple services or applications within an organization using OpenID Connect. By establishing a trust relationship between these services, users can authenticate with any service within the federation without having to re-enter their credentials.
titleOpenID - OpenID Foundation
descriptionOur mission is to lead the global community in creating digital identity standards that are secure, interoperable, and privacy-preserving.
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