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summary | The power of algorithmic strategies Smart liquidity One of the main issues that you may face when trying to generate yield in DeFi is that, because of market conditions, parameters of your manual positions sometimes need to be changed , especially when using Uniswap v3 concentrated liquidity.It consists in a combination of DeFi positions, and among them we usually find : - A position to generate yield , such as lending, liquidity providing, farming - A position to compensate the potential consequences of the volatility of one of the assets in order to be hedged and adjust our exposure, such as a short, borrowing... Its important to note that the specific strategies and mechanisms can vary across different platforms and providers, and each one may have its own unique approach. |
title | Lobster - Automated, multi-protocol strategies. |
description | 100% automated Defi strategies, aggregating the best-in-class defi protocols. In less than 2 minutes, let your crypto work the best way ! |
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nslookup | A, A |
created | 2024-11-29 |
updated | 2025-01-10 |