summary | Topics include the Far East, the River of Doubt, the Manila Galleons, Mount Everest, the Moon Landing, Apollo 11, the circumnavigation of the world, the source of the Nile, the New World, Vinland, the Niger River, Timbuktu, the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, Antarctica, the Arctic, the Northwest Passage, the North Pole, the South Pole, the Congo River, the Chinese Treasure Fleet, the Corps of Discovery, Tenochtitlán, Japan, China, the Silk Road, the Spice Islands, the Moluccas, the Caravel, Mecca, Medina, Lake Tanganyika, Sputnik, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, the Seven Cities of Gold, and much, much more.The Infinite Space Podcast What did the first men to leave the clutches of earths gravity see Is spaceflight comfier than air travel Is the phone in your pocket more powerful than the computer that put man on the moon Join me as we unravel more such questions about space travel, innovation and the people who made it happen, through the ages and into the future. |