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summary | IDA stands behind the rigor of the analysis and remains confident that the findings of the report, including findings with regard to the prevalence of violent extremism in the DOD, were solidly based on the best data available at the time the work was conducted.In response to congressional tasking in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, the Secretary of Defense asked IDA to assess the effect of certain ethics requirements on the Defense Departments recruitment and retention and its ability to detect, deter, prevent and redress ethical misconduct. |
title | Institute for Defense Analyses | IDA |
description | Home page for Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) website describes IDA and provides photos and links to recent research, publications, and the IDA-at-a-glance infographic. |
keywords | research, contact, systems, center, analyses, institute, search, twitter, site, will, careers, news, menus, open, community, ideas, staff |
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nslookup | A |
created | 2024-11-30 |
updated | 2025-01-16 |