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summary This topic offers an overview of the entire Bitcoin economy. It explores various aspects such as market capitalization, the number of active wallet addresses, daily transactions, and the total supply of Bitcoins.

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Its value has increased significantly over the years, making it one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies globally. The market capitalization refers to the total worth of all Bitcoin circulating, which currently stands at around $450 billion and continues to grow due to its limited supply and high demand.

The number of active wallet addresses helps gauge the level of activity within the Bitcoin network. An increase in this number suggests more people are participating or trading in Bitcoins. At present, there are over 23 million active wallet addresses.

Daily transactions provide an understanding of how often Bitcoins are bought and sold daily. The numbers vary but typically fall between 300,000 to 500,000 daily transactions. This level of trading activity contributes significantly to Bitcoin's popularity as a digital currency.

The total supply of Bitcoins is fixed at 21 million units; however, around three million are lost or unreachable. This fixed limit makes it a scarce resource that drives its demand and price in the market. The remaining 18 million Bitcoins will be mined gradually over time.

In summary, this overview of the Bitcoin economy highlights its significant growth in market capitalization, increasing number of active wallet addresses, daily transactions, and a limited total supply. These factors combine to make Bitcoin an influential digital currency in today's economy.
titleEpoch VC
descriptionThe entire Bitcoin economy at a glance
upstreams bitcoinatlantis.com
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