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summary | Kandydaci do tytuu Digital Shapers, musz posiada udokumentowane wybitne osignicia w ostatnim roku w jednej z 5 kategorii: edukacja, transformacja cyfrowa, inwestycje, innowacje i technologie oraz wizjoner.Zwycizcy 6. edycji Digital Shapers Ogoszenie szóstej edycji Listy Digital Shapers odbyo si 6 czerwca w CIC Warsaw. |
title | Home | Digital Shapers |
description | Digital Shapers is a list that distinguishes outstanding personalities of the digital world and new technologies in Poland. We select people who have an above-average contribution to the development of the digital economy in our country. The aim of the list is to promote digital competences through positive examples and to pay tribute to the achievements of outstanding personalities. |
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nslookup | A, A |
created | 2024-11-30 |
updated | 2025-01-12 |