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soon as Im back on the hill I get down on my knees and I start prayin real hard for God to let up on the rain just a little bit so I can get to my wife before its too late and then something happens that makes me think maybe Im not praying to the right god because the storm starts to die down like its been tamed or somethin and soon I can see my house again and I start headin back but I got another hill in the way so I have to climb that one too and as I go up it I hear a voice callin out from behind me and Im afraid at first but then I realize its just my wife shes alive and shes callin out for help and when I get to where she is I see her standin there in the rain with her belly showin all big and round and my eyes fill up with tears of joy and relief and she smiles at me through the rain and says Nathaniel you made it back we had to evacuate to higher ground and then she points out to the water that used to be our crops and our house and I see my brothers boat still floatin on top and I think about how we couldnt use it when we needed it most but then I remember him raisin his hand in that strange way and I think maybe he knew we would need it after all and I smile back at my wife and we start headin back towards the hill together and as we go I tell her we should name our baby after God for letting us live through this terrible storm and she agrees and soon were climbing up onto higher ground and away from the water that has swallowed up everything we know and love and as we go Im filled with a new sense of hope and gratitude that we survived and that maybe, just maybe, things will get better from here on out.
keywordsclick, opens, window, share, february, like, thou, novel, print, leave, email, then, october, december, book, comment, loading
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