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summaryManual accessibility audits are crucial for ensuring websites and digital platforms are usable by people with disabilities. This process involves assessing the compliance of a website or application with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards. By conducting a manual audit, you can identify and address accessibility issues that automated tools may overlook.

Approaching an accessibility audit as a team is essential for achieving comprehensive results. Each member of the team should have different roles and skills to contribute unique perspectives and expertise in identifying accessibility problems.

Here are five tips for creating actionable audit results:

1. Prioritize issues based on their impact on users' experiences and overall usability.
2. Provide clear, concise descriptions of each issue to facilitate understanding and communication with developers and stakeholders.
3. Offer practical recommendations for resolving identified accessibility problems, including suggested solutions or best practices.
4. Track progress by assigning a status (open, in progress, resolved) to each issue.
5. Regularly update your audit results to reflect ongoing changes and improvements to the website or application.

To make auditing more manageable, consider conducting timeboxed accessibility audits. Setting a specific time limit for the audit encourages efficiency and ensures that the team remains focused on the task at hand. This approach helps to avoid burnout and maintain momentum throughout the project.

In conclusion, manual accessibility audits are essential for ensuring digital inclusivity. By using WCAG guidelines and conducting these audits in collaboration with a diverse team, you can create actionable audit results that lead to more accessible websites and applications.
titleManual accessibility audit software - Be Inclusive
descriptionHelping you define, track, and share digital accessibility audits. We make manual auditing easier to manage and share with teammates & clients.
upstreams a11yproject.com









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