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summaryAmazon is an American multinational technology company that focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence (AI). Established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos as an online bookstore, the company has since expanded into a global powerhouse with multiple product categories and services. Its core offerings include Amazon Prime membership, which provides access to various benefits such as free shipping, streaming services, and exclusive content, as well as Amazon Web Services, the world's largest cloud platform that allows businesses to store, manage, and process data on scalable servers. Amazon has also ventured into other areas such as gaming (through its acquisition of Twitch), smart home devices with Echo and Alexa, and digital entertainment platforms like Amazon Prime Video and Audible.

The company is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, USA, with regional headquarters across the globe, including Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia/New Zealand. As of 2021, Amazon has over 1.3 million employees worldwide and generated $386 billion in revenue for the fiscal year 2020. It continues to invest heavily in research and development, aiming to create innovative products and services that cater to changing customer preferences and market trends.
titleAbout Amazon Japan | Homepage - About Amazon | Japan
descriptionWe cover a variety of topics about Amazon, including Amazon news, Amazon culture, and information about Amazon's services and device products.
keywordsamazon, english, prime, twitter, icon, close, stem, academy, asia, pacific, australia, india, japan, singapore, europe, european, union
upstreams aboutamazon.de, aboutamazon.pl, amazon-press.jp, aboutamazon.es, aboutamazon.sg, aboutamazon.fr, aboutamazon.in, aboutamazon.it, aboutamazon.com, amazon.co.jp, aboutamazon.com.au
downstreams amazon-press.jp, twitter.com, linkedin.com, instagram.com, facebook.com, youtube.com, aboutamazon.com.au, aboutamazon.in, aboutamazon.sg, aboutamazon.eu, aboutamazon.fr, aboutamazon.de, aboutamazon.it, aboutamazon.pl, aboutamazon.es, aboutamazon.co.uk, aboutamazon.com, aboutamazon.mx, aboutamazon.ca, aboutamazon.com.br, amazon.co.jp, amazon.jobs
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